A Podcast Host Ready to Help You Navigate Your Healing Journey.
Recovering joy when faced with multiple grievances.
It is time to engage in the dialogue actively and normalize the conversation of loss and grief. We provide a secure and judgment-free way to access meaningful grief support, helping you move beyond the grieving process and start exploring the possibilities that lie ahead.

Overcoming Grief
Are you looking for meaningful loss recovery guide for grief and mental health? With Sandy Linda, you can find your voice and go through the grieving process in the hands of a professional in the field.
The podcast, Overcoming Grief, is a platform that gives our listeners ways to improve their lives. Human existence can be challenging yet fun. Our focus is to unravel, illustrate, and go deep into understanding the things that make us human. We also explore special topics on mental health, grief journeys, and lifestyle enhancements.
We aim to empower you, our listeners, with practical, usable advice to enhance your lives.

Signature Coaching Program
Rebirth From Grief is a custom-tailored coaching experience designed for women to overcome devastating loss or divorce.
However, Rebirth From Grief isn’t just about overcoming loss or navigating through the aftermath of divorce. It’s a transformative journey for women who are ready to find and embrace their purpose in life.
We recognize the unique challenges of grief and the societal pressures that often accompany it.
In our 12-week program, you’ll embark on a path that does more than help you heal. You’ll discover a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose.
Our signature 5-step framework is designed to guide you from the depths of heartbreak to a place where you can live with intention and passion like you’ve never experienced before.
Sandy Linda.
Emotional Resilience Facilitator and Leadership Growth Specialist
Grief is publicly stigmatized within the culture, but if left unresolved, we fall into the trap of self-destructive behaviors. Can you relate?
If the answer is yes, I want you to know that grief can be lonely no one should have to walk through the valley of loss alone.
The Story Behind Overcoming Grief.
Allow Sandy to assist you and watch her work in action.
Grief and mental health are publicly stigmatized within the current culture. I recognize the significance and importance of discussing a painful and often avoided topic. Giving voice to others who suffer from cumulative grief is essential for our grieving process.
Praise from Clients
All you have to do is get in contact with me and book a session today. You won’t regret choosing me to be your life coach. You’ll work together to create a better future for yourself.