Move Beyond Grief and

Develop a Purposeful Life

A podcast for women who are tired of feeling isolated and angry in their grief and are looking for a way to heal and move forward with their lives.

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Disclaimer: Our show is not based on a conceptual, intellectual, or theological perspective. The program provides education and support. We do not imply, infer, or attempt to fix, heal, or cure grief; and do not imply or provide professional counseling or therapy.

Recent Podcast Episodes

Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | Grief and Your Career: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Ep #43: Grief and Your Career: Reclaiming Your Confidence

Discover how to reclaim your confidence and professional leadership after loss. I’m sharing the story of someone I met recently about continuing to work while facing unimaginable personal tragedy, and you’ll learn practical tips for moving forward professionally after grief, reclaiming your confidence and composure in the workplace.

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | Turning Pain Into Purpose: Publishing My Grief Journals to Help Others

Ep #42: Turning Pain Into Purpose: Publishing My Grief Journals to Help Others

discover a new perspective on writing as a therapeutic exercise, how writing saved me from self-destruction, and why I decided to publish my journals. You’ll learn how writing allows you to rationalize even the most challenging emotions, and I hope that by the end of this episode, you’ll see how sharing your own journey can make an impact in the lives of others.

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | Healing Through Decluttering: Finding Peace After Loss

Ep #41: Healing Through Decluttering: Finding Peace After Loss

Explore the journey of bereavement decluttering. This isn’t just about sorting through your loved one’s physical belongings, but it also encompasses organizing the memories left behind and the emotional weight of the items you’re left with. I share the ups and downs of decluttering your physical and mental environments, and give you practical tips and a journaling prompt to help you through this process.

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | How to Effectively Lead While You're Grieving

Ep #40: How to Effectively Lead While You’re Grieving

This episode is for the leaders out there. You have targets, deadlines, and responsibilities you need to meet, but what happens when you feel the heavy burden of grief weighing you down? You want to inspire changes in the people you lead, and an amazing way to achieve this under any circumstances is by embracing vulnerability and leveraging your emotional intelligence.

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | Writing Through the Darkness: Using Journaling to Navigate Grief

Ep #39: Writing Through the Darkness: Using Journaling to Navigate Grief

Discover how journaling can be a transformational coping tool for grieving loss. I discuss the common challenges and resistance mourners experience around the idea of journaling, and you’ll learn some practical tips regarding formatting, prompts, and exercises that will help you make journaling an integral part of your healing journey. 

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | "Will My Grief Ever End?" Grief Q&A

Ep #37: “Will My Grief Ever End?” Grief Q&A

Have you ever wondered if it’s possible for your grief to end? Can you find peace after loss? This is something everyone wonders as they navigate grief, and this week, I’m answering questions just like this from people who, like you, are deep in the emotions of grieving a loss.

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Overcoming Grief with Sandy Linda | 3 Core Truths About Anger After Loss

Ep #35: 3 Core Truths About Anger After Loss

Discover why it’s okay to be angry in the face of loss, why we often decide to hide our anger, and why this isn’t helping you work through your grief. You’ll also learn the truth about anger, so you don’t have to continue suffering in silence.

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